Welcome to the website of the COUPLING II Research Project
Welcome to the website of the COUPLING II Research Project
The Research and Work Teams of the Research Proposal COUPLING II are committed to disseminating scientific knowledge to society and transferring it to relevant political authorities in the face of environmental events that impact the public. Below, some examples are given in various fields within the researchers' expertise.
Awareness about Polar Research in Oceanography, a long-lasting tradition in the Physics Department of the Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Date: 30th of May, 2018.
Newspaper Interview to Dr. Borja Aguiar González.
Topic: Canary researchers with a international projection. In this case, in Polar Oceanography.
The Research and Work Team of the Research Proposal COUPLING II has participated in several TV and radio interviews, explaining to society the challenging issue of managing the increasing abundance of plastics in the world's oceans.
Date: 23th of November, 2022
Source: https://youtu.be/BHUlBCx5vrQ?si=-Mvs3S1C24EnDFIo&t=1198
TV Interview to Dr. Francisco Machín Jiménez y Marcos Cividanes García en Telenoticias 2.
Topic: The arrival of plastic tags from lobster traps released by the fishing industry in USA and Canada.
The Research and Work Team of COUPLING II has participated in several TV and radio interviews, explaining to society the challenging issue of managing the increasing abundance of plastics in the world's oceans.
Date: 12th of January, 2024
TV Interview to Dr. Borja Aguiar González in Ponte al Día - RTVC.
Topic: The recurrent arrival of pellets to the Canary Islands.
Article published in The Conversation about Plastics in the Ocean.
Title: Muchas caídas al mar de contenedores de pélets son evitables
Date: 17th of January, 2024
Source: https://theconversation.com/muchas-caidas-al-mar-de-contenedores-de-pelets-son-evitables-221193
Authoship: Daura Vega Moreno. Profesora Contratada Doctora de Química Analítica, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Topic: The recurrent arrival of pellets to the Canary Islands.
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